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Safe Passage

Safe Passage 

Based on concerns around student safety, the District established the School Safety and Safe Passage Working Group to better understand and enhance safety-related policies that impact District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) and Public Charter Schools (DCPCS).


The group has collaborated with a variety of stakeholders including LEAs, ONSE, MPD, DDOT, MTPD, and WMATA to identify areas that need additional support based on the number of student-involved incidents reported by Metro Transit Police and anecdotal insights from the Working Group.


Members include agencies under the oversight of the Deputy Mayor for Education and the Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice and others such as the Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA).


This Working Group is tasked with addressing District student and school safety concerns, especially as students arrive and depart from school.



The mission of Right Directions Mentoring Program is to empower at-risk youth in low-income communities. We inspire, educate, and empower them through character building, innovative thinking, self-education, entrepreneurship.


Our Goal is to create educational opportunities that will add value to their life and the community. In addition, Right Directions support system will provide inspirational connections that will encourage the individual during their time of crisis and reassure them that Right Directions is an outlet that they can use as they transition.


Through the Right Directions programs we want to enable everyone to reach their maximum potential.

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Young Ladies Institute

Young Ladies Institute

Right now, just have some example text in there for now until the client provides me with real text.  So just put place holder text and we’ll add the real text later.

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